Collect credits, keep your ships alive and build a fleet.
Each player draws 30 Spending Credits total from their Bank. From this they "buy" their starting ships and equipment for 1 Credit=1 Point. Spend until you have cannot spend anymore, leftover goes back into your Coffers. Spent Credits are destroyed.
Each player rolls a D6 for number of crew, 1 or 2 take 2 crew; 3 or 4 take 3 crew; 5 or 6 take 4 crew. Crew are drawn random from their owners pile. Crew is then place next to the ID Plates. Crew is free, equipment is not. Buy what you can now.
The area needed should be between 35 and 40 inches on each side (about 1600 square inches) for two players, 40 to 45 (about 1800 sq in)for 3-4 players and no more then 2500 sq in ( ie: 50" x 50")for more then 5 players. Remember to have room for your ship ID Plates, drink and snacks!
Rolling a D6, highest goes first. Each player places one planet or station on the game table. The next highest goes, placing it between 2L and 4L distance of any other planet/station on the board and so on. Then place any objects chosen on the board, these are just obsticals to go around. They cannot be orbitied or shot though. Each player may take up to 3. Now the lowest rolling player chooses the person to their lefts Home Planet (HP) or Home Station (HS). Continue to the left (clockwise) until all HPs/HSs are chosen. There should be 1 HP/HS and 2 Untamed Planets (UP) per player.
Each player then takes out an addition 6 tokens worth 12 Credits (in Credits or Equipment) and places them into the treasure pile. These are then mixed placed on all UPs equally.
Now Play begins, each ship can do ONE of several things (unless the ship or crew states otherwise) 1: Move 2: Fire 3: Orbit 4: Scan 5: Repair 6: Build
Play begins with the original highest roller and continues clockwise (if there are more then two players)
The ship(s) move according to the length indicated on the ID Plates. The start is measured from the very front of the ship and ends with the front at the other end of the Movement Rod. No more then 90 degrees left or right can be made by a ship (unless otherwise noted). Due to the high speed reverse is impossible on these vessels. Using the Movement Rod place one end at the front most part of the ship. From there you can go at any angle up to 90 degrees port or starboard. You can move up to the maximum of the ships movement or stay in one place and turn up to 90 degrees. Turns can only be made at the beginning of a single (L or S) or in the middle of a multiple (S+S, S+L, L+L) movement.
All firing distances are measured from the front of the ship, this limits ranges for attacks from the rear. Using the Firing Rods (same as Movement Rod) from the Bridge to any part of the enemy vessel. Each successful hit removes one enemy weapon (unless a ship or crew changes that number).
Ramming occurs when one ship moves so its front comes in contact with an enemy ship. When this occures both ships make a damage check. Roll a D6, 1,2,3,4 no damage, 5,6 remove one weapon. After ramming the ramming ship may opt to board. The rammed ship may not move until it has been released by the rammer.
Boarding occures when one ship comes along side another. The ships must be less then one half an S length to allow beaming. A D6 is rolled for each combatant then the number or remaining weapon are added and the higher wins. Winner chooses to either steal a Token or Crew or remove one weapon (winners choice).
Move: See Movement above.
Fire: Regardless of where a weapon is located all shots are measured from the front of the ship.
Orbit: Once a ship moves close enough to a Planet or Station it may orbit. It does this by touching any part of it to the Planet/Station. Once in orbit it may scan the planet on that turn. On the next turn it can retrieve Crew and/or Tokens, transfer crew and/or Tokens to the planet or depart. Maximum number taken is limited by available cargo space. Each Crew and Equipment Token takes up 1 cargo space. A ship cannot fire or be fired upon while in orbit. Credits dropped off at a HP/HS are added to that players Coffers, these are now available for building.
Scan: Scans a planet for resources, this allows the ship to look at all the Tokens on one planet (that it is orbitof). On it's next turn the ship may take as many Tokens as it may carry.
Repair:A ship may be repaired in one of two ways. If the ship has an Engineer then it may repair at any time (instead of moving) or it may Orbit its own HP/HS and repair one damaged weapon per turn. Repair is free, ship construction is not.
Build: Once a person collects enough credits they can build another ship. Points=Credits one to one, money left in your Coffers is added into what is captured. 3 Credits will get you a crew draw, no more then 3 draw per new ship. Equipment cost is normal. Spent credits are destroyed. Each turn after one part is built. Minimum is 2 rounds but any unfinished ship may deorbit but not be repaired while out, only on the HP (how can you repair something that was not built). Each turn one more part is built, till all parts and crew are added (average of 5 turns). An unfinished ship may return to the HP/HS and be finished as long as it is able to still move.
Exceptions: Only excceptions are when crew or ship bonuses change the above rules. ie: a Captain will give move and shoot on the same turn.
Like a bilities do not stack. i.e.: Helmsman (+S move/not derilic)/dilithum crystals (+L move when not loaded)
No ship may have more then an L+L move, but this does not count moving twice in one turn. So adding a Helsman to a ship with S+L move will give it only an L+L move.
Victory: When one player is left playing or there are no treasures left to get. Person with most Credit+Ship Points left is the technical winner, getting 5 extra credits to build with next game. If there is any left in any players Coffers at the end of the game it is returned to the owners Bank.